I was recently awarded an a-n bursary to make cyanotypes on discarded packaging, toned with plants - working with Melanie King, who is experienced in sustainable photographic processes. Cyanotypes are an alternative photographic process made using chemicals that create blueprints when exposed to sunlight.
The picture above is 'holding resilience' - a cyanotype on discarded brown paper, being toned in a tray of green tea. The cyanotype image is of me holding a Cowslip plant that grew up through my interactive installation 'how did we become so resilient' - installed on the grounds of Phytology: Bethnal Green Nature Reserve (BGNR) whilst I was in residency. I am now experimenting with toning, using local plants and herbs that I am growing. These cyanotypes will be available to buy from my website soon.
In July, Melanie and I ran a cyanotype workshop at BGNR. I also ran a cyanotype workshop at a residential care home in Islington. It is a really relaxing and gentle process suitable for all - do get in touch to arrange a workshop or to pre-order a print.